Number |
Sprake Number |
Title |
| | | Composite Portraits |
Composites of 2 silks in 1 card-mount |
so804 | STG203 | | Cleveland, President and Mrs. (Allen & Ginter's advertising) (good quality image) |
so808 | | | Coronation ('Queen Alexandra' and 'King Edward VII' woven on ribbon above portraits) (reasonable quality image) |
so812 | | | Czar and Czarina of Russia ('Nicholas II' and 'Empress Alexandra') |
so816 | STG84 | | Stevens, Sandell (and his dog 'Prince') (excellent quality image) |
so820 | STG202 | | Wilhelm II, Kaiser with Augusta Victoria (excellent quality image) |
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Composites of 3 silks in 1 card-mount |
so844 | | | Roberts triptic (good quality image) |
so848 | | | Gladstone, Buffalo Bill & Beaconsfield (good quality image) |
so852 | | | Beaconsfield, Queen Victoria & Bright (good quality image) |
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Composites of 4 silks in 1 card-mount |
so864 | | | A Gentleman in Kharki, Roberts, Macdonald & Buller (good quality image) |
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Composites of 5 silks in 1 card-mount |
so884 | | | Royal Family (being: Edward VII, Queen Alexandra, the late Queen Victoria, Princess of Wales and Prince of Wales) (reasonable quality image) |
so888 | | | Boar War Generals (being: Kitchener, Baden-Powell, Roberts, French and Buller) (reasonable quality image) |
so892 | | | Boar War Soldiers (being: Kitchener, Roberts, A Gentleman in Kharki, Buller and Baden-Powell) (good quality image) |
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| | | British Royalty |
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so500 | STG3 | | Victoria, Her Majesty Queen (facing right - woven '1837 Jubilee 1887') (excellent quality image) |
so502 | | | Victoria, Her Majesty Queen (facing half right - woven '1837 Jubilee 1887') (excellent quality image) |
so504 | STG2 | | Victoria, Her Majesty Queen (facing left - woven above portrait 'Victoria Queen of an Empire on which the sun never sets') (excellent quality image) |
so508 | STG5 | | Victoria, Her Majesty The Late Queen (excellent quality image) |
so520 | STG1 | | Victoria, Queen, and Her Premiers (excellent quality image) |
so524 | STG4 | | Victoria, Queen, Born May 24th 1819 Crowned June 28th 1838 (excellent quality image) |
so544 | STG7 | | Wales, H.R.H. Princess of (facing slightly right, wearing pearl necklace) - future Queen Alexandra (excellent quality image) |
so548 | STG6 | | Wales, H.R.H. Princess of (facing right, two crossed flags) - future Queen Alexandra (excellent quality image) |
so550 | | | Wales, Princess of (facing right, two crossed flags) - future Queen Alexandra (excellent quality image) |
so528 | STG9 | | Wales, H.R.H. Prince of (full face, two crossed flags) - future Edward VII (black & white quality image) |
so532 | STG10 | | Wales, H.R.H. Prince of (facing half left, two crossed flags) - future Edward VII (good quality image) |
so534 | | | Wales, H.R.H. Prince of (facing full left, two crossed flags) - future Edward VII (excellent quality image) |
so536 | STG11 | | Wales, H.R.H. Prince of (facing half left, no flags) - future Edward VII (excellent quality image) |
so608 | STG13 | | York, H.R.H. The Duchess of Cornwall & - future Queen Mary (excellent quality image) |
so612 | STG16 | | York, H.R.H. Duke of C'wall & - future King George V (excellent quality image) |
so20 | STG8 | | Alexandra, Her Majesty Queen (excellent quality image) |
so232 | STG12 | | Edward VII, His Majesty King (excellent quality image) |
so552 | STG14 | | Wales, H.R.H. The Princess of (facing very slightly right, with thistles, shamrock etc. below) - future Queen Mary (excellent quality image) |
so540 | STG17 | | Wales, H.R.H. The Prince of (facing left, anchor & four ships beneath portrait) - future George V (excellent quality image) |
so382 | | | Mary, Her Majesty Queen (excellent quality image) |
so384 | STG15 | | Mary, Her Majesty Queen (good quality image) |
so278 | | | George V, His Majesty King (excellent quality image) |
so280 | STG18 | | George V, His Majesty King (excellent quality image) |
so240 | STG19 | | Elizabeth, H.M. Queen (excellent quality image) |
so284 | STG20 | | George VI, H.M. King (excellent quality image) |
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| | | Foreign Royalty |
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so17 | STG105 | | Albert of Saxony, King (excellent quality image) |
so18 | | | Alexander II, Czar of Russia (excellent quality image) |
so19 | | | Alexander III, Czar of Russia (excellent quality image) |
so68 | | | Augusta, Kaiserin of Germany (excellent quality image) |
so70 | STG114 | | Augusta Victoria (body facing forward, head facing half left) (excellent quality image) |
so71 | STG115 | | Augusta Victoria (body facing half right, head facing half left) (excellent quality image) |
so100 | STG110 | | Bismarck, Prince (excellent quality image) |
so112 | STG104 | | Boulanger, General Georges (excellent quality image) |
| STG99 | | Crown Prince of Germany (no silk known with this title) |
so218 | STG102 | | Czar of Russia (Nicholas II) (reasonable quality image) |
so220 | STG101 | | Czarina of Russia (Empress Alexandra, Consort of Nicholas II) (excellent quality image) |
so236 | | | Elisabeth, Kaiserin (excellent quality image) |
so244 | STG100 | | Empress of Germany (excellent quality image) |
so248 | | | Franz Josef of Austria (younger man - sash from right shoulder to left side) (excellent quality image) |
so252 | STG103 | | Franz Josef of Austria (older man - two crossed flags) (excellent quality image) |
| | | Frederich Carl, Prince of Prussia (no silk known with this title) |
so260 | | | Friedrick Wilhelm, Kronprinz (future Friedrich III) (excellent quality image) |
so264 | STG109 | | Friedrich III (of Germany) (excellent quality image) |
so364 | STG112 | | Luitpold - Prinz-Regent von Bayern [recorded incorrectly by Godden as Leopold of Bavaria] (excellent quality image) |
so396 | STG113 | | Moltke, Count (excellent quality image) |
so444 | | | Rudolf, Kronprinz Erzherzog (excellent quality image) |
so480 | | | Stefanie, Kronprinzessin Erzherzogin (excellent quality image) |
so526 | | | Victoria, Kronprinzessin (excellent quality image) |
so564 | | | Wilhelm I, Kaiser (of Germany) (excellent quality image) |
so568 | STG106 | | Wilhelm I, (of Germany) (excellent quality image) |
so572 | STG108 | | Wilhelm II, Kaiser, von Deutschland (young man) (excellent quality image) |
so576 | STG107 | | Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany (older man) (excellent quality image) |
so584 | STG116 | | Windthorst, Ludwig (excellent quality image) |
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| | | go to Jockey portraits |
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