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Thomas Stevens typical bookmark - Merry Christmas bookmark


made by Thomas Stevens


Michael Darby first published a comprehensive list of Thomas Stevens' bookmarks in 1968, in his book 'Stevengraphs', co-authored with Austin Sprake. Darby lists some 460 bookmarks manufactured by Stevens.

Geoffrey Godden extended Darby's work, and listed some 520 bookmark titles.

Stevens himself claimed 900 different designs, although this number probably included colour variations.

With the help of John High's unpublished work and other sources, this web site now lists 808 individual bookmark titles (and 1,297 images if colour variations are included), all produced by Stevens in Coventry.

Go to Structured catalogue, fully indexed to pages with detailed images:-
In this bookmark catalogue, the silks are listed by the first letter of the woven words writing on the bookmark. Hence 'Compliments of the season' will be found under 'C', whilst 'The compliments of the season' will be under 'T'. Occasionally the first words are contained within a scroll or as part of the background pattern. These are generally ignored in favour of the true words of the silk.

| Top of this page | Scenic Pictures | Portraits | Bookmarks | Postcards | Large souvenir silks etc. | Other silk items |

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This page was created on 27 December 2000
This page was last updated on 8 August 2023

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