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manufactured by Thomas Stevens

se001 Ribbon with words: H.M.S. DUNCAN (excellent quality image)
se002 Ribbon with word: FORWARD (excellent quality image)
se003 Ribbon with word: MAFEKING (excellent quality image)
se004 Ribbon with word: PRETORIA (excellent quality image)
se005 Ribbon with words: Support The G.O.M. {Grand Old Man: aka Gladstone} (excellent quality image)
se006 Ribbon with words: THE TRUE UNION / JUSTICE FOR IRELAND (excellent quality image)
se007 Ribbon with words: No Surrender (excellent quality image)
  Medals with ribbons
se022 Medal with ribbon: CAST THY BREAD UPON THE WATERS (excellent quality image)
se024 Medal with ribbon: CONGREGATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOLS, MACCLESFIELD (excellent quality image)
se026 Medal with ribbon: JUBILEE 1887 (excellent quality image)
se028 Medal with ribbon: St. GEORGE'S (excellent quality image)
  Point of Sale Display
se048 Election Badges - Point Of Sale, with portraits of Churchill, Earl of Beaconsfield and Marquis of Salisbury (excellent quality image)
se049 Election Badges - Point Of Sale, with portraits of Chamberlain, Gladstone and John Bright (excellent quality image)
se160 Rosette: Portraits of the Prince and Princess of Wales (excellent quality image)
se170 Rosette: England's Joy (excellent quality image)
  Rectangular Silks
  se200: Rectangular Silks summary - multiple records
These rectangular silks were made in three different sizes. They were either finished neatly at top and bottom, or finished with a fringe. Some had an ornate paper lace die-cut border added all the way round, whilst others were stuck onto a paper backing on which the Stevens logo was sometimes printed. The Stevens name is completely missing from some of these silks, whilst others had the Stevens name woven on the front design. Despite this multiplicity of presentations, all of these rectangular silks have the same basic characteristics.
se301 Silk book front: My Album (ornate surround) (excellent quality image)
se302 Silk book front: My Album (words only) (excellent quality image)
se303 Silk book front: If you will look within my book (excellent quality image)
se308 Lace Making Needle case - A Present from the Crystal Palace (excellent quality image)
se310 Needle case - A Present from the Crystal Palace - May Thy Life be full of Joy (excellent quality image)
se311 Needle case - A Present from the Crystal Palace - Wishing You Prosperity and Peace (excellent quality image)
se312 Needle case - A Present from the Crystal Palace - With Best Wishes (excellent quality image)
se314 Needle case - Crystal Palace view (excellent quality image)
se320 Needle case - Royal Porch - With Sincerest Wishes (excellent quality image)
se322 Needle case - Woven in the Edinburgh Exhibition 1886 - Blessings Attend Thee (excellent quality image)
se327 Needle case - Woven in the Edinburgh Exhibition 1886 - Souvenir (excellent quality image)
se323 Needle case [with bird, butterfly & flowers] - Wishing You Prosperity and Peace (excellent quality image)
se324 Needle case [with flowers] - With every good wish (excellent quality image)
se326 Needle case [with flowers] - With Best Wishes (excellent quality image)
se332 Pin cushion - A Present from the Crystal Palace (excellent quality image)
se334 Pin cushion - Forget Me Not (in shape of bellows) (excellent quality image)
se335 Pin cushion - Woven in the York Exhibition 1879 (excellent quality image)
se336 Pin cushion - Woven In The Edinburgh Exhibition 1886 (excellent quality image)
se341 Earlsdon Rifle Club Sixth Annual Dinner (excellent quality image)
se354 Naval cap ribbon: H.M.S. Dart (excellent quality image)
se536 Sash: Ancient Order of Foresters (four dancers) (excellent quality image)
se538 Sash: Ancient Order of Foresters (child, lion & lamb) (excellent quality image)
se540 Sash: Independent Order of Odd Fellows Manchester Unity (excellent quality image)
se542 Sash: P O O U B (excellent quality image)
se620 Printed fan - A Happy Christmas - May Christmas Always Be To Thee (excellent quality image)
se621 Printed fan - A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - Four Seasons of the Year (excellent quality image)
se622 Printed fan - True Love - Four Seasons of the Year (excellent quality image)
se623 Printed fan - A Birthday Greeting - Oh may this birthday (excellent quality image)
se624 Printed fan - A Happy New Year - Four Seasons of the Year (excellent quality image)
se625 Printed fan - Happy May Thy Birthday Be - Four Seasons of the Year (excellent quality image)
se626 Printed fan - A Happy New Year - With tender thought I send thee here (excellent quality image)
  Perfumed Cards
  se420: Perfumed cards summary - multiple records
These cards essentially comprise four printed cards, glued together in pairs with silk fringe between each card on THREE sides only. The resulting pair of cards are then joined together on the plain side and threads through this side attach the cards to the printed cover.
These printed covers have typical front and back designs.
  Silk Edged Cards
  se440: Silk Edged cards summary - multiple records
These cards, whilst still being sold in the same Perfumed Card folders, typically comprise two printed cards, glued together in pairs with silk fringe between each card on ALL FOUR sides. Occasionally four cards are glued together, two with the silk edge, and two with no silk.
  Boxed, Padded and Plush Cards
  se460: Boxed, Padded and Plush cards summary - multiple records
These cards comprise Stevens printed cards arranged in various presentations. As with all these printed cards, the following are examples of those produced, and this catalogue is not intended to be comprehensive.
  Printed Single sided Cards:-
  These cards are printed on the front only, with plain backs, and no woven silk appears anywhere.
Most have the STEVENS name printed on the front, whilst others have only the " T.S. " initials.
Stevens produced probably several hundred printed cards, and below is only a selection of these.
    se800: Cards printed in Japanese style
    se802: Cards printed with Birds
    se804: Cards printed with Music
    se806: Cards printed with People
    se808: Cards printed with Miscellaneous pictures

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This page was created on 1 February 2000
This page was last updated on 11 February 2025

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