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John Osbourne Portrait
      Composite Portraits
Composites of 2 silks in 1 card-mount
so804 STG203 Cleveland, President and Mrs. (Allen & Ginter's advertising) (good quality image)
so808   Coronation ('Queen Alexandra' and 'King Edward VII' woven on ribbon above portraits) (reasonable quality image)
so812   Czar and Czarina of Russia ('Nicholas II' and 'Empress Alexandra')
so816 STG84 Stevens, Sandell (and his dog 'Prince') (excellent quality image)
so820 STG202 Wilhelm II, Kaiser with Augusta Victoria (excellent quality image)
Composites of 3 silks in 1 card-mount
so844   Roberts triptic (good quality image)
so848   Gladstone, Buffalo Bill & Beaconsfield (good quality image)
so852   Beaconsfield, Queen Victoria & Bright (good quality image)
Composites of 4 silks in 1 card-mount
so864   A Gentleman in Kharki, Roberts, Macdonald & Buller (good quality image)
Composites of 5 silks in 1 card-mount
so884   Royal Family (being: Edward VII, Queen Alexandra, the late Queen Victoria, Princess of Wales and Prince of Wales) (reasonable quality image)
so888   Boar War Generals (being: Kitchener, Baden-Powell, Roberts, French and Buller) (reasonable quality image)
so892   Boar War Soldiers (being: Kitchener, Roberts, A Gentleman in Kharki, Buller and Baden-Powell) (good quality image)
so17 STG105 Albert of Saxony, King (excellent quality image)
so18   Alexander II, Czar of Russia (excellent quality image)
Alexander III, Czar of Russia (excellent quality image)
      Alexandra, Empress, Consort of Nicholas II (see - so220: 'Czarina of Russia')
so20 STG8 Alexandra, Her Majesty Queen (excellent quality image)
so24 STG21 Archer, The Late Fred (Lord Falmouth colours:- black body, white sleeves, red cap, with signature) (good quality image)
so25 STG21 Archer, The Late Fred (Lord Falmouth colours:- black body, white sleeves, red cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so28 STG22 Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Manton colours:- scarlet jacket, sleeves and cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so29 STG22 Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Manton colours:- scarlet jacket, sleeves and cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so30   Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Manton colours:- scarlet body, sleeves and cap, with signature) (Allen & Ginter's advertising) (excellent quality image)
so33   Archer, The Late Fred (Unknown owners colours:- cream body & cap, primrose sleeves, with signature) - Probably faded version of Mr Peck: so41 (excellent quality image)
so36   Archer, The Late Fred (Unknown owners colours:- cream body, primrose sleeves, black cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so37 STG23 Archer, The Late Fred (Duke of Westminster colours:- primrose jacket & sleeves and black cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so37ag   Archer, The Late Fred (Duke of Westminster colours) - Allen & Ginter's advertising (excellent quality image)
so38 STG23 Archer, The Late Fred (Duke of Westminster colours:- primrose jacket & sleeves and black cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so41 STG24 Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Peck colours:- blue body, orange sleeves, blue cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so41ag   Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Peck colours) - Allen & Ginter's advertising (excellent quality image)
so43   Archer, The Late Fred (Unknown owners colours:- primrose body, cream sleeves & cap, with signature) (reasonable quality image)
so46 STG28 Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Dover colours:- blue body, orange sleeves, black cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so50   Archer, The Late Fred (Possible Baron de Rothschild colours:- blue body & sleeves, cream cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so53 STG27 Archer, The Late Fred (Prince of Wales colours:- Royal purple with gold braid body, scarlet sleeves, black cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so57  STG25 Archer, The Late Fred (Mr T Jennings jr colours:- silver grey jacket & sleeves and black cap)
so68   Augusta, Kaiserin of Germany (excellent quality image)
so70 STG114 Augusta Victoria (body facing forward, head facing half left) (excellent quality image)
so71 STG115
Augusta Victoria (body facing half right, head facing half left) (excellent quality image)
      Augusta Victoria (see also: 'Empress of Germany')
      go to B

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This page was created on 15 January 2001
This page was last updated on 8 February 2025

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