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Thomas Stevens Merry Christmas bookmark



 Bookmark First Line 
sb1912 not listed T.C. Warner, Esq. Liberal candidate for Coventry (political favour) (excellent quality image)
sb1914 not listed The Apostle of Free Trade / (Portrait - body facing partly right) / John Bright, M+P (excellent quality image)
sb1916 428 The Apostle of Free Trade / (Portrait - body facing partly right) / Rt Hon John Bright, M+P (excellent quality image)
sb1920 not listed The Apostle of Free Trade / (Portrait - body facing partly left) / Rt Hon John Bright, M+P (excellent quality image)
sb1924 7 The Ascension / I am the resurrection (excellent quality image)
sb1928 11 The Babes in the wood (excellent quality image)
sb1932 13 The Beatitudes / Blessed are the poor in Spirit (ivy leaf pattern at bottom) (excellent quality image)
sb1933 not listed
The Beatitudes / Blessed are the poor in Spirit (triangular vase pattern at bottom) (excellent quality image)
      The belief (see: sb1016 et el - 'I believe in God the Father')
sb1942 not listed The Burton On Trent Life Boat, 1867 (excellent quality image)
sb1944 66 The busy bee (excellent quality image)
sb1948 430 The compliments of the season (surrounded by wreath) (excellent quality image)
sb1952 105 The compliments of the season / I send to thee a greeting (excellent quality image)
sb1956 431 The compliments of the season / I wish the newly coming year (excellent quality image)
sb1960 106 The compliments of the season / May blessings rest on kindred (excellent quality image)
sb1964   107 The compliments of the season / Once again, once again (excellent quality image)
sb1968 108  
The compliments of the season / Winter is here let us welcome (excellent quality image and registration mark)
  113   The crucifixion (see: 'The Redeemer / And when Jesus had cried') 
sb1974 425 The death of St. Francis Xavier (excellent quality image)
sb1976 125 The Doxology / Praise God from whom all blessings flow (lengthways, pointed both ends) (excellent quality image)
sb1977 not listed The Doxology / Praise God from whom all blessings flow (scroll design at top) (excellent quality image)
sb1980 393 The father of our country / General George Washington (excellent quality image)
sb1984 158 The Gloucester life boat (words on scroll:- 'Fides Invicta Triumphat) (excellent quality image)
sb1988 not listed The homes of England / The free fair home of England (excellent quality image)
sb1992 201b The last rose of summer (with music) [including error silk] (excellent quality image)
sb1996 201a The last rose of summer (without music) (excellent quality image)
sb2000 not listed The late / Earl / Beaconsfield / Peace / with Honour (portrait & primroses) (excellent quality image)
sb2002 not listed The late / Earl of / Beaconsfield (portrait & primula) (excellent quality image)
sb2004 12 The late / Earl of / Beaconsfield / Peace / with Honour (portrait & primroses) (excellent quality image)
sb2012   193
The late General 'Stonewall' Jackson (excellent quality image)
  195   The late John Angell James (see: sb1144 - 'John Angell James / The path of the just is as the shining')
  209   The late lamented President Lincoln (see: sb376 et el - 'Assassinated at Washington')
sb2020 288  
The late Rev. J. G. Pike (excellent quality image)
      The late Sir Joseph Paxton, M.P. (see 'Woven in the Machinery ..')
sb2022 207 The lily (single verse) (excellent quality image)
sb2024   not listed  
(stylised leaves) The lily (two verses) (excellent quality image)
  213   (scroll reads:-) The little busy bee (see: 'He that gathereth')
sb2028 217c The look of love (with floral display left of verse & ribbon with words 'Ever dearest . . ') (excellent quality image)
sb2030 217b The look of love (with wreath with words 'Ever dearest . .') (excellent quality image)
sb2032   The look of love (with lover's knot & wreath with words 'Ever dearest . .') (excellent quality image)
sb2036 217a The look of love (with surround to verse, lover's knot & wreath with words 'Ever dearest . .') (excellent quality image)
sb2040 218 The Lord be merciful unto thee and bless thee (excellent quality image)
sb2044 220 The Lord bless thee (narrow lengthways ribbon) (excellent quality image)
sb2052 221a The Lord is my shepherd / I shall not want (on scroll on diamond ground) (excellent quality image)
sb2054 221b The Lord is my shepherd / I shall not want (on scroll on floral ground) (excellent quality image)
sb2060 not listed The Lord is my shepherd / The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want (on scroll on floral ground) (excellent quality image)
sb2068 222 The Lord is my shepherd / The Lord my pasture shall prepare (stylised flowers) (excellent quality image)
sb2070 222
The Lord is my shepherd / The Lord my pasture shall prepare (realistic flowers) (excellent quality image)
sb2072 not listed The Lord will Provide (narrow lengthways ribbon) (excellent quality image)
sb2074 not listed The Lord's Prayer (excellent quality image)
sb2076 not listed The Most Hon. The Marquis of Salisbury (rose) (excellent quality image)
sb2077 not listed The Most Hon. The Marquis of Salisbury (primula) (excellent quality image)
sb2080 258 The mutual bond / Our mutual bond (excellent quality image)
sb2088   278b The Old arm chair (chair in middle of verse, no music) (excellent quality image)
sb2092 278c The Old arm chair (chair at top, with music and words together) (excellent quality image)
sb2096 290 The power of love (with bible reference) (excellent quality image)
sb2097 not listed The power of love (no bible reference) (excellent quality image)
sb2100 not listed The priceless gem / Tell me not of sparkling gems (excellent quality image)
sb2101   not listed  
The priceless gem / Tell me not of sparkling gems (with words below flowers: Gathering of pure affection) (excellent quality image)
      The Queen and her sons (words not actually on silk) - see section on large silks
sb2102 not listed The Queen Lords And Commons (excellent quality image)
sb2104 299 The Redeemer / And when Jesus had cried (IHS at bottom) (excellent quality image)
sb2105   299 The Redeemer / And when Jesus had cried (roundel pattern at bottom) (excellent quality image)
sb2108 308  
The Resurrection / (Christ in oval) / I am the Resurrection (excellent quality image)
  63   The Right Honourable John Bright, M.P. (see: below ); or (see 'The Apostle of Free Trade')
sb2110 not listed The Rose (excellent quality image)
sb2112 not listed The Rt. Hon. John Bright (political favour) (excellent quality image)
sb2116 not listed The Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain (political favour) (excellent quality image)
sb2120   not listed The Rt. Hon. Lord Leigh. President. Stoneleigh Abbey (excellent quality image)
sb2124 not listed The Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone (political favour) (excellent quality image)
sb2132 286 The Rt. Revd. Lord Bishop of Oxford, D.D., F.R.C.S. &c &c (excellent quality image)
sb2136 310 The sailor boy (excellent quality image)
sb2140 326 The silken alphabet (excellent quality image)
sb2144 328 The soul winners guide (excellent quality image)
sb2152 333 The Templars Pledge is for life (excellent quality image)
sb2154 334 (gothic arch) The Ten Commandments / Thou shalt have no (excellent quality image)
sb2156 not listed (ogive shape) The Ten Commandments / Thou shalt have none (excellent quality image)
sb2162 not listed
The Truth Shall Make Us Free (pointed, narrow ribbon joined with others) (excellent quality image)
      The Virgin Mary (see: Je suis L'Immaculee conception / Conceptio Immaculata Sum)
sb2176 not listed Then she rode forth (Lady Godiva) (excellent quality image)
sb2178 not listed  
They can conquer who believe they can {shield with letters: GFS} (reasonable quality image)
      They never sought in vain (see: 'Cotters Saturday Night / They Never Sought in Vain ', or see: 'Family Worship / Cotters Saturday Night')
sb2180 337 Thou art lovely (excellent quality image)
sb2182 not listed Though absent not forgotten . . / (flowers with words: Forget Me Not) / . . . (good quality image)
sb2184 not listed Thy Bridal Day / (floral display with words: A Souvenir) / Dear friends may this your wedding morn (excellent quality image)
sb2186 61 Thy Bridal Day / (floral display) / Dear friends may this your wedding morn (excellent quality image)
sb2192 62 Thy Bridal Day / Others, dear girl, may wish thee (excellent quality image)
sb2196 338 Thy will be done in earth (excellent quality image)
sb2204 not listed To a dear friend (realistic flowers at pointed end) (excellent quality image)
sb2205 not listed To a dear friend (stylised flowers at pointed end) (excellent quality image)
sb2206 not listed To a dear friend / Sweet and peaceful - possibly not Stevens (excellent quality image)
sb2208 340 To a dear one (excellent quality image)
sb2212 341 To a friend / Happy be thou my dearest friend (excellent quality image)
sb2216 342 To a friend / Like the evergreen so (tree in centre) (excellent quality image)
sb2220 not listed To a friend / Like the evergreen so (flowers in centre) (excellent quality image)
sb2223 343 (flowers with words: To a friend) / Of all the gifts which heaven bestows (excellent quality image)
sb2224 not listed (flowers) / (flowers with words: To a friend) / Of all the gifts which heaven bestows (excellent quality image)
sb2228 344 To a mother / (roses with words: To my mother) / Dear Mother Let thy tender care (excellent quality image)
sb2229 not listed (roses with words: To a mother) / Dear Mother Let thy tender care (excellent quality image)
sb2230 not listed (pansies with words: To a mother) / Dear Mother Let thy tender care (excellent quality image)
sb2232 345 To a sister / (flowers with words: To My Sister) / Sister, Dear (excellent quality image)
sb2236 346 (flowers) / (flowers with scroll: To my brother) / Dear brother from infancy (excellent quality image)
sb2240 not listed To my brother / Dear brother from infancy (excellent quality image)
sb2244 347 (flowers in urn) / To my brother / We in one mother's arms (excellent quality image)
sb2247 not listed To my / brother / (flowers) / We in one mother's arms (good quality image)
sb2248 not listed To my brother / (flowers) / We in one mother's arms (excellent quality image)
sb2250 not listed To my brother / (flowers with words: To my brother) / We in one mother's arms (reasonable quality image)
sb2251 not listed (flowers with words: To my brother) / We in one mother's arms (reasonable quality image)
sb2252 not listed To my cousin / (flowers) / I dont forget (excellent quality image)
sb2253 348 To my cousin / Peace be around thee (excellent quality image)
sb2256 349 To my darling / Mary had a little lamb (excellent quality image)
sb2260 350 To my daughter / At dawn of morn (excellent quality image)
sb2264 351 To my daughter / May the morn (excellent quality image)
sb2268 352 To my dear brother (excellent quality image)
sb2272 353 To my dear cousin (excellent quality image)
sb2276 not listed To my dear father (excellent quality image)
sb2278 not listed To my dear mother (with flowers and butterfly) (excellent quality image)
sb2280 354 To my dear mother / On every land (excellent quality image)
sb2284 not listed To my dear mother / What'er my lot (excellent quality image)
sb2288 355 To my dear sister / A sister's love (excellent quality image)
sb2291   To my dear sister / A Sister is a holy name (excellent quality image)
sb2292 356 To my dear sister / Sister is a holy name (excellent quality image)
sb2296 357 To my dear wife (excellent quality image)
sb2300 358 To my father / Dear father to deserve [including error silk] (excellent quality image)
sb2304 359 To my father / I send my love (excellent quality image)
sb2308 360 To my favorite (excellent quality image)
sb2312 362 To / My Friend / (flowers with words: To my friend) / Could I bring this lovely rose (excellent quality image)
sb2313   To My / Friend / (flowers with words: To my friend) / Could I bring this lovely rose (excellent quality image)
sb2316   (flowers with words: To my friend) / Could I bring this lovely rose (reasonable quality image)
sb2318 361 To my friend / Of all the gifts (excellent quality image)
sb2320 363 To my husband (excellent quality image)
sb2322 not listed To My Love / (flowers with words: I Think of thee) / I am sighing and wishing (reasonable quality image)
sb2324 364 To my mother / Dear mother / Let thy tender care (excellent quality image)
sb2328 365 To my mother / My mother when I was a child (excellent quality image)
sb2332 366 To my pet / Dolly, you're a naughty girl (excellent quality image)
sb2336 367 (flowers in urn) / To my sister / There is a soft and gentle (excellent quality image)
sb2340 not listed (flowers) / (scroll reads: To my sister) / There is a soft and gentle (excellent quality image)
sb2342 not listed To my sister / There is a soft and gentle (excellent quality image)
sb2344 not listed To my sister / (flowers with words: To My Sister) / Sister, Dear (excellent quality image)
sb2348 368 To my son / Oh may the bounteous God (excellent quality image)
sb2352 not listed To my son / Peace be thy gentle guest (excellent quality image)
sb2356 not listed To one I love (excellent quality image)
sb2360 369 To one I love / Accept my heart (excellent quality image)
sb2364 370 To one I love / Bright be thy life (excellent quality image)
sb2366 not listed To one I love /(flowers, with words below: To One I Love) / Emblem fair to you I send (excellent quality image)
sb2367 not listed To one / I love /(flowers, with words below: To One I Love) / Emblem fair to you I send (good quality image)
sb2368 371 To one I love / If you are in want of a (woven bow) (excellent quality image)
sb2372 not listed To one I love / Love me little (excellent quality image)
sb2376 372 To one I love / My (woven hand) and (woven heart) (excellent quality image)
sb2380 not listed To one I love / This simple gift (excellent quality image)
      To the King's Most Excellent Majesty (see "25th Anniversary of reign of King George V" in section on large silks)
      To the memory of the illustrious Prelates who suffered Martyrdom in the City of Oxford in 1555-56 (The Oxford Martyr's Memorial) - see section on large silks
sb2387 not listed True Love (short silk) (excellent quality image)
sb2388 not listed True love / Then come the wild Weather (excellent quality image)
sb2390 376 (Flowers) / (Oval device with words: True love) / True love is something . . (excellent quality image)
sb2396 not listed Turpin's ride to York (excellent quality image)
sb2400 not listed Twentieth National Encampment San Francisco 1886 (GAR) (excellent quality image)
sb2404 377 Twinkle, twinkle little star (excellent quality image)
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This page was created on 1 February 2000
This page was last updated on 19 October 2024

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