Image of Wilhelm II of Germany, as an older man
the image of this silk portrait kindly
donated by John Hartwig, USA

Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany

(older man)

Reference Number:- Sprake Number:- Godden Number:-
so 576 STG107 157b
Woven on silk:-

Printed at bottom of card-mount:-


cm deep by cm wide

cm deep by cm wide

by Sprake:

by Godden:
Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany, was born on 27 January 1859, the son of Frederick III of Prussia (see so264) and Princess Victoria (see so526).
He served in the army with distinction, and became Emperor of Germany on the death of his father in June 1888, but his subsequent career is of little importance.
In 1918 the German Republic was declared - Wilhelm fleeing to Holland in November of that year, where he lived until June 1941.

The German back-label as issued by Franz Drahne of Leipzig lists two versions of Crown Prince Wilhelm - one in uniform, the other in civilian clothes. Also listed on the same back-label is Frederick III and the late Emperor William I. This would date this label to March 1888 to June 1888.
Neither of these two portraits is currently known.

The title WILHELM II OF GERMANY was first listed on label 23+34b, of 1888.
This silk is now very rare and must have been made originally for the German market.

Two portrait silks depict Wilhelm II - one as a young man §157a (see so572),
the other showing a face some twenty years older. This last version is designated §157b (the image above).

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new image added 29 November 2012

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