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John Osbourne Portrait

so24 STG21 Archer, The Late Fred (Lord Falmouth colours:- black body, white sleeves, red cap, with signature) (good quality image)
so25 STG21 Archer, The Late Fred (Lord Falmouth colours:- black body, white sleeves, red cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so28 STG22 Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Manton colours:- scarlet jacket, sleeves and cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so29 STG22 Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Manton colours:- scarlet jacket, sleeves and cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so30   Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Manton colours:- scarlet body, sleeves and cap, with signature) (Allen & Ginter's advertising) (excellent quality image)
so33   Archer, The Late Fred (Unknown owners colours:- cream body & cap, primrose sleeves, with signature) - Probably faded version of Mr Peck: so41 (excellent quality image)
so36   Archer, The Late Fred (Unknown owners colours:- cream body, primrose sleeves, black cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so37 STG23 Archer, The Late Fred (Duke of Westminster colours:- primrose jacket & sleeves and black cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so37ag   Archer, The Late Fred (Duke of Westminster colours) - Allen & Ginter's advertising (excellent quality image)
so38 STG23 Archer, The Late Fred (Duke of Westminster colours:- primrose jacket & sleeves and black cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so41 STG24 Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Peck colours:- blue body, orange sleeves, blue cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so41ag   Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Peck colours) - Allen & Ginter's advertising (excellent quality image)
so43   Archer, The Late Fred (Unknown owners colours:- primrose body, cream sleeves & cap, with signature) (reasonable quality image)
so46 STG28 Archer, The Late Fred (Mr Dover colours:- blue body, orange sleeves, black cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so50   Archer, The Late Fred (Possible Baron de Rothschild colours:- blue body & sleeves, cream cap, no signature) (excellent quality image)
so53 STG27 Archer, The Late Fred (Prince of Wales colours:- Royal purple with gold braid body, scarlet sleeves, black cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so57 STG25 Archer, The Late Fred (Mr T Jennings jr colours:- silver grey jacket & sleeves and black cap)
so80 STG30 Barratt, F. (excellent quality image)
so81   Barrett, F. (excellent quality image)
so152 STG31 Cannon, Tom (Cannon's own colours:- white & scarlet hoops, white cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so153 STG31 Cannon, Tom (Cannon's own colours:- white & scarlet hoops, white cap, no signature) (reasonable quality image)
so160 STG32 Cannon, Tom (Lord Rosebery colours:- rose & primrose hoops, rose cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so161 STG32 Cannon, Tom (Lord Rosebery colours:- rose & primrose hoops, rose cap, no signature) (reasonable quality image)
so166   Cannon, Tom (Unknown owners colours:- cream jacket & cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so172 STG33 Cannon, Tom (Baron de Rothschild colours:- blue & yellow hoops, yellow cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so176 STG34 Cannon, Tom (H. Crocker colours:- blue jacket, gold cap, with signature) (excellent quality image)
so314   Hale, Tom (Australian jockey) (excellent quality image)
so404 STG35 Osborne, John (P. Buchanan colours:- rose jacket sleeves and cap, with black sash) (excellent quality image)
so405   Osborne, John (Unknown owners colours:- cream jacket sleeves and cap, with black sash) (excellent quality image)
so406   Osborne, John (Unknown owners colours:- salmon pink jacket sleeves and cap, with black sash) (excellent quality image)
so408 STG36 Osborne, John (Mr Vyners colours:- violet jacket sleeves and cap, with white sash) (excellent quality image)
so409   Osborne, John (Unknown owners colours:- yellow jacket sleeves and cap, with white sash) (reasonable quality image)
so593 STG37 Wood, C. (Mr R Peck colours:- blue jacket, orange sleeves, blue cap, with woven signature) (excellent quality image)
so594 STG37 Wood, C. (Mr R Peck colours:- blue jacket, orange sleeves, blue cap, no woven signature) (excellent quality image)
so597 STG38 Wood, C. (Captain Christie colours:- cream jacket sleeves and cap, with woven signature) (excellent quality image)
so598 STG38 Wood, C. (Captain Christie colours:- cream jacket sleeves and cap, no woven signature) (excellent quality image)
so601 STG39 Wood, C. (Sir G Chetwynd colours:- yellow jacket, blue sleeves and cap, with woven signature)
so602 STG39 Wood, C. (Sir G Chetwynd colours:- yellow jacket, blue sleeves and cap, no woven signature) (excellent quality image)
      Notables & Sportsmen
so140 STG74 Burns, Robert (no words on silk) (excellent quality image)
so144   Burns, Robert (no words on silk, shading from eye level down) (reasonable quality image)
so148 STG73 Burns, Robert (words of Auld Lang Syne on silk, above portrait) (excellent quality image)
so312 STG75 (Grace, W.G. Dr.) " W.G." (excellent quality image)
      Hindenburg, Carl (now identified as being Tom Hale)
so332 STG76 Howell, R. (bicyclist champion) (excellent quality image)
so460 STG77 Shakespeare and Views of Stratford (excellent quality image)
so464   Shakespeare (German title with 'Carl Neiss & Co' credit) (black & white quality image)
so476 STG78 Stanley, H.M. (excellent quality image)
so488 STG79 Stephenson, George (excellent quality image)
so489 STG79 Stephenson, George (The Pioneer of Railways) (excellent quality image)
so490   Stephenson, Georg (German language version) (excellent quality image)
  STG84   Stevens, Sandell (and his dog 'Prince') - see: record so816 in "Multiple silks in single frame".
so340 STG80 Kilrain, Jake (excellent quality image)
so341   Kilrain, Jake (Mannion credit) (excellent quality image)
so392 STG81 Mitchell, C (excellent quality image)
so393   Mitchell, C (Mannion credit) (excellent quality image)
so468 STG82 Smith, Jem (excellent quality image)
so469   Smith, Jem (Mannion credit) (excellent quality image)
so494 STG83 Sullivan, John L (excellent quality image)
so495   Sullivan, John L (Mannion credit) (excellent quality image)
      Religious, Classical & Historical
so228 STG85 Ecce Homo (excellent quality image)
so352 STG86 L'immaculee Conception (Virgin Mary with arms outstretched) (excellent quality image)
so380 STG87 Madonna and Child (excellent quality image)
so381   Maria mit Jesukind (good quality image)
so386 STG88 Mater Dolorosa (with heart above image) (excellent quality image)
so388   Mater Dolorosa (without heart above image) (excellent quality image)
so389   Mater Dolorosa (ornate arch type pattern above portrait) (excellent quality image)
so360   Leo. Pope. P. XIII (excellent quality image)
so86 STG90 Bath of Psyche (The) (excellent quality image)
so356 STG91 Leda (and swan) (excellent quality image)
so357   Leda mit dem Schwan (German title of Leda & Swan) (excellent quality image)
so424 STG89
Peeping Tom (excellent quality image)
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This page was created on 16 May 2023
this page was last updated on 8 February 2025

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