Catalogue Number |
Godden Number |
Title |
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| | | P |
go256 | 930 |  | Parnell, C.S., M.P. - Ireland's Gifted Leader (excellent quality image) |
go257 | |  | Parnell, Charles Stewart, M.P. - Ireland's Gifted Leader (reasonable quality image) |
| | | Peace, retrenchment, reform - see go112: 'Bright, The Rt. Hon. John' |
| | | Peace with honour - see go80: 'Beaconsfield, The Late Earl of' |
| | | Perseverance, Pluck, Patriotism - see go152; 'Churchill, Lord Randolph, M.P.' |
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| | | Q |
| | | Queen and Country - see: 'Salisbury, Marquis of, K.G.' |
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| | | R |
go260 | 937 | | Roberts, Field Marshal Lord, V.C. - Empire Makers (For Queen and Country) (excellent quality image) |
go262 | | | Roberts, Field Marshal Lord, V.C. - Empire Makers (Cape to Cairo) (reasonable quality image) |
go264 | | | Roberts, Field Marshal Lord, V.C. - Empire Defenders (The Empire's Hero) (excellent quality image) |
go265 | | | Roberts, Field Marshal Lord, V.C. - Cape to Cairo (Cape to Cairo) (excellent quality image) |
go266 | | | Roberts, Field Marshal Lord, V.C. - Cape to Cairo (For Queen and Country) (excellent quality image) |
go267 | | | Roberts, Field Marshal Lord, V.C. - fancy type face (For Queen and Country) (excellent quality image) |
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| | | S |
go268 | | | Salisbury, Marquis of, K.G. - Queen and Country (woven in colour) (excellent quality image) |
go269 | 1023 | | Salisbury, The Marquis of, K.G. - Queen and Country (woven in colour) (excellent quality image) |
go270 | | | Salisbury, The Marquis of, K.G. - Queen and Country (smaller colour version included in 'The Jubilee Album') (excellent quality image) |
go272 | 1023a | | Salisbury, The Marquis of, K.G. (small, woven in black & white) |
go276 | 1005 | | Scott, Sir Walter - Wizard of the North (excellent quality image) |
go280 | 1001 | | Shakespear (sic), William - The Bard of Avon (excellent quality image) |
go282 | | | Shakespeare, William (Souvenir of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893) (reasonable quality image) |
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| | | T |
| | | The Bard of Avon - see go280: 'Shakespear, William' |
| | | The Labourer's Friend - see go60: 'Arch, Mr Joseph' |
| | | Tried, Trusted, True - see go204: 'Gladstone, Right Hon. W.E., M.P.' |
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| | | V |
go286 | 1020
& 955c | | Jubilee Trophy - Her Majesty Queen Victoria portrait, the Royal Arms, emblems etc (excellent quality image) |
go288 | 955 | | Victoria, Her Majesty Queen - Mother of Nations (larger version) (excellent quality image) |
go292 | | | Victoria, Her Majesty Queen - Mother of Nations - 1837 Jubilee 1887 (larger version) (excellent quality image) |
go293 | 955b | | Victoria, Her Majesty Queen - Mother of Nations - 1837 Jubilee 1887 (smaller version included in 'The Jubilee Album') (excellent quality image) |
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| | | W |
go296 | 993 | | Wales, H.R.H. Prince of, - Our Future King. (future King Edward VII) (reasonable quality image) |
go299 | | | Wales, H.R.H. The Princess of. (excellent quality image) |
go300 | 966 | | Wales, H.R.H. The Prince of: Unity of Empire (Future King George V) (excellent quality image) |
go304 | 966a | | Wales, H.R.H. The Princess of: Unity of Empire (Future Queen Mary) (excellent quality image) |
go308 | 1032 | | Wales, The Prince of (future King Edward VIII) |
go310 | |  | Washington, General George (Souvenir of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893) (good quality image) |
go312 | 942 |  | White, General Sir George, V.C. - Empire Defenders (excellent quality image) |
| | | Wizard of the North - see go276: 'Scott, Sir Walter' |
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| | | Y |
go316 | 964 | | York, H.R.H. Duchess of Cornwall and: Unity of Empire (future Queen Mary reg no. 369619 woven on silk) (excellent quality image) |
go320 | 965 | | York, H.R.H. Duke of Cornwall and: Unity of Empire (future King George V reg no. 369618 woven on silk) (excellent quality image) |
go324 | 913 | | York, H.R.H. Duchess of Cornwall and: Australian Commonwealth / Advance Australia (future Queen Mary) (excellent quality image) |
go326 | 913 | | York, H.R.H. Duke of Cornwall and: Australian Commonwealth / Advance Australia (future King George V) (excellent quality image) |
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