The Triple-Titled Stevengraphs are basically normal silk pictures, in a normal frame, except they have three titles printed, typically in English, French and German.
A full list is given below within the following article, given to me by the Stevengraph Collectors Association.
November 5th, 1971 - the day I came across my first triple-titled Stevengraph - "The Water Jump". It had titles in French and German, as well as in English. I did not own this particular silk, although I had been collecting for a little while, so I bought it, thinking there was nothing unusual about it. At that time I did not possess either Godden's book or Sprake's. After buying these books, I looked up "The Water Jump". In neither book did the mount pictured look like mine. I searched both books and found nary a reference to the triple-titled mounts.
July 9th, 1974 - the day on which I found my second triple-titled mount - "The Start". I found my ninth just two years ago. Eight of the nine have the same brown mount with no identification under the silk. On the reverse all eight have the same Stevens 29+38 label (see Godden p97). Mr Godden says this label was issued in 1893. The mount is identified as Type C3 (see Godden p64). He says it is found on labels listing 31 and 32 main titles, and dates from 1895 - 98. These statements do not quite gibe.
The ninth silk, "The Last Lap", has a mount that is a lighter brown and a 29+34 label. Mr Godden pictures this label on page 98 and cites the four deletions from the 29+38 label.
Since 1971 I have seen, or heard of, exactly one duplicate of the nine triple-titled mounts in my collection. This leads me to believe that these mounts were produced for a very short period of time - perhaps only once. Indeed, they may have been produced for foreign sales. I consider these mounts to be exceedingly rare.
Herewith my nine triple-titled mounts:-
(addenda - subsequent to the writing of this article, so far fourteen titles have been found.)