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Frank Drähne back label, with German titles shown



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It would seem that Stevens produced only a few of his scenic Stevengraph pictures with German titles, whereas he seems to have sold many unmounted silk to various German outlets.
FRANZ DRÄHNE appears to have been either the main outlet or alternatively, an agent, for Stevens scenic pictures. Because of this association, the most frequently found printed German titles are those of Drähne, and these are also included on his printed back label.
Unfortunately though, for the other unmounted silks, there is a whole multitude of different titles used; some of them not very appropriate to the original Stevens version.
For this reason, all the German titles have been removed to this seperate section, and it is noted on each separate page as to whether the picture title is one of Stevens mounts, or Drähne's.

Catalogue Number
 st44     Are you Ready?
  st44-1 Die Abfahrt (Drähne title, front mount & back label) (excellent quality image)
  st44-3 Der erste Ruderschlag (excellent quality image)
 st60     Called to the Rescue (Heroism at sea)
  st60-1 Die Rettung naht (good quality image)
  st60-2 Seeansicht (excellent quality image)
  st60-3 Zu Hülfe (Drähne title) (poor quality image)
  st60-4 Zu Hülfe Gerufen (Stevens card mount) (excellent quality image)
  st60-6 Rettungsboot (excellent quality image)
  st60-7 Rettung naht (excellent quality image)
 st88     Columbus leaving Spain 1492
  st88-1 Columbus Einschiffung nach Amerika im Jahre 1492 (excellent quality image)
 st104     Crystal Palace - Front View
  st104-1 Krystallpalast - Aeussere Ansicht (Drähne title)
 st108     Crystal Palace - Interior
  st108-1 Krystallpalast - Innere Ansicht (Drähne title)
 st116     The Death
  st116-1 Der Fuchs ist todt (Drähne title) (excellent quality image)
  st116-2 Fuchstodt (good quality image)
 st124     The Death of Nelson
  st124-1 Seeschlacht bei Trafalgar i. J. 1805 (excellent quality image)
 st156     Dick Turpins Ride To York
  st156-1 Dick Turpin's letzter Ritt (excellent quality image)
  st156-2 Dick Turpinīs letzter Ritt auf seinem Liebling "Black Bess" (Stevens card mount) (indicative quality image)
 st188     The Final Spurt
  st188-1 Die Ankunft (Drähne title, front mount & back label) (excellent quality image)
  st188-2 Der letzte Ruderschlag (excellent quality image)
 st192     The Finish
  st192-1 Am Ziel (excellent quality image)
  st192-2 Das Ende (Stevens card mount; Drähne title & back label) (excellent quality image)
 st208     The First Point
  st208-1 Das erste Ziel (Drähne title & back label) (excellent quality image)
 st212     The First Set
  st212-2 Ballspiel (reasonable quality image)
 st216     The First Touch
  st216-2 Fussballspiel (excellent quality image)
 st228     For Life or Death - Heroism on Land (4 horses)
  st228-1 Auf Leben und Tod (Drähne title) (excellent quality image)
 st232     For Life or Death - Heroism on Land (2 horses)
  st232-2 Feuerwehr (excellent quality image)
  st232-4 Die Rettung naht (excellent quality image)
 st248     Full Cry
  st248-1 Jagdgeschrei (excellent quality image)
  st248-2 Das Jagdgeschrei (Drähne title & back label) (excellent quality image)
  st248-3 Im vollen Laufe (Stevens card mount) (indicative quality image)
 st256     God Speed The Plough
  st256-1 Gott segne den fleissigen Landmann (excellent quality image)
 st260     The Good Old Days (no background)
  st260-1 Die Gute alte Zeit (excellent quality image)
 st264     The Good Old Days
  st264-1 Die Gute alte Zeit (Drähne title) (excellent quality image)
  st264-2 Sonst (Stevens back label) (excellent quality image)
 st272     Grace Darling
  st272-1 Gefahrliche Fahrt (excellent quality image)
 st376     Lady Godiva Procession
  st376-1 Der Festliche Umzug Von Lady Godiva (Stevens card mount & back label) (excellent quality image)
 st400     Landing of Columbus
  st400-1 Columbus Landung in Amerika i. J. 1492 (excellent quality image)
  st400-2 Columbus Landung in Amerika im Jahre 1493 (good quality image)
 st408     The Last Lap
  st408-1 All Heil! (excellent quality image)
 st428     The Meet
  st428-2 Sammeln (excellent quality image)
  st428-3 Der Versammlungsplatz (Stevens card mount) (indicative quality image)
  st428-4 mis-titled: Der Fuchs ist todt (indicative quality image)
 st436     Mersey Tunnel Railway
  st436-1 Seeansicht (reasonable quality image)
 st480     The Present Time
  st480-1 Die Gegenwartige Zeit / 60 Meilen per Stunde (Stevens card mount) (excellent quality image)
 st488     The Present Time
  st488-1 Die jetzige Zeit (Drähne title) (excellent quality image)
  st488-2 Jetzt (excellent quality image)
 st500     The Present Time
  st500-1 Die jetzige Zeit (excellent quality image)
 st528     Signing of the Declaration of Independence July 4th, 1776
  st528-1 Unabhangigkeitserklarung Amerikas am 4. Juli 1776. (excellent quality image)
 st548     Spanish Bullfight
  st548-1 Spanischer Stierkampf (excellent quality image)
  st548-2 Spanisches Stiergefecht! (excellent quality image)
 st556     The Start
  st556-1 Der Abgang (Stevens card mount) (indicative quality image)
  st556-2 Der Beginn (Drähne title & back label) (excellent quality image)
  st556-3 Vom Ziel (excellent quality image)
 st600     The Water Jump
  st600-1 Hindernissrennen (Drähne title) (excellent quality image)
 st604     Wellington & Blucher
  st604-1 Begegnung zwischen Blücher und Wellington (excellent quality image)
       Franz Drähne Back Labels
    Franz Drähne Back Label - type 1
    Franz Drähne Back Label - type 2

see also:-   | Stevengraph Scenic Pictures | Stevengraph Calendars | Composite Scenic Pictures | Triple-Titled Stevengraphs |

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This page was created on 3 January 2015
This page was last updated on 21 March 2024

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