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manufactured by William H Grant

  Bookmark Title
gb1840   South Africa 1899 - 1900 (favour) (good quality image)
gb1900   Souvenir / Chicago Day / (eagle, two flags & branch) / World's Fair Chicago / Oct 9th 1893 (fringed end) (excellent quality image)
gb1910   Souvenir Exposition Universelle D'Anvers 1894 (excellent quality image)
gb1915   Souvenir / Independence Day July 4th 1893 (excellent quality image)
gb1918   Souvenir Laying of Foundation Stone by Princess Mary (excellent quality image)
gb1920   Souvenir Liberty Bell (reasonable quality image)
gb1930   Souvenir Liberty Bell / Woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / . . . . /America is Free (excellent quality image)
gb1940   Souvenir / Machinery Hall / (building, lake with gondola) / Woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 (excellent quality image)
gb1942   {ornate pattern} / Souvenir / Machinery Hall / Area 17 acres, Cost $1,200,000 / (building, lake with gondola) / Woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 (excellent quality image)
gb1943   {plain woven line} / Souvenir / Machinery Hall / Area 17 acres, Cost $1,200,000 / (building, lake with gondola) / Woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 (excellent quality image)
gb1960   Souvenir / Manufactures Building / Area 30 acres, Cost $1,700,000 / (building, lake with gondola) / Woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 (excellent quality image)
gb1965   Souvenir of the British Section - Executive Staff in Chicago (excellent quality image)
gb1970   Souvenir of the British Textile Section / Franco - British Exhibition / (building) / Messers Debenham and Freebodys' Model Building / (weaving loom) / London 1908 (excellent quality image)
gb1980   Souvenir of the Franco British Exhibition / (Court of Honour: no gondola) / London 1908 (excellent quality image)
gb2000   Souvenir of the Franco British Exhibition / (The Flip-Flap) / London 1908 (excellent quality image)
gb2010   Souvenir of the Franco British Exhibition / L'Entente cordiale - man & woman drinking wine (excellent quality image)
gb2020   Souvenir of the Franco British Exhibition / (hands & British & French flags) / Held to celebrate the Entente Cordiale . . . / London 1908 (excellent quality image)
gb2026   Souvenir of the Franco British Exhibition / Shepherds Bush, London 1908 / Hands Across The Sea / (image of hands & British & French flags) / L'ENTENTE CORDIALE . . . (excellent quality image)
gb2040   Souvenir of the Franco British Exhibition / Shepherds Bush, London 1908 / (hands & British & French flags) / Held to celebrate the Entente Cordiale . . . (excellent quality image)
gb2060   Souvenir of the Franco British Exhibition / Shepherds Bush, London 1908 / L'Entente cordiale - man on swan (excellent quality image)
gb2063   Souvenir of the Franco British Exhibition / Shepherds Bush, London 1908 / The Flip-Flap (reasonable quality image)
gb2080   Souvenir of the Franco British Exhibition / (building) Messers Debenham and Freebodys' Model Building / (weaving loom) / London 1908 (reasonable quality image)
gb2088   Souvenir of the Independence of America / (portrait of Washington) / General George Washington / . . . . (excellent quality image)
gb2100   Souvenir of the Liberty Bell (excellent quality image)
gb2120 1008 Souvenir of the Queen's Sixty years reign. (excellent quality image)
gb2130   Souvenir of the Worlds Columbian Exposition 1893 Chicago / (building) / Administration Building / (eagle & shield) (excellent quality image)
gb2140 plate 291 Souvenir of the Worlds Columbian Exposition 1893 Chicago / Landing of Columbus Oct 12 1492 / (ship and sailors on beach) - (short bookmark) (excellent quality image)
gb2145   Souvenir Opening of the Memorial Park, Coventry - July 9th, 1921 (excellent quality image)
gb2150 plate 291a Souvenir / (building, bridge & gondolas) / Woven in the Columbian / Exposition Chicago 1893 (fringe both ends) (excellent quality image)
gb2151   Souvenir of / (building, bridge & gondolas) / Woven in the Columbian / Exposition Chicago 1893 (fringe both ends) (excellent quality image)
gb2154   Souvenir / (Liberty Bell) / The Bell (excellent quality image)
gb2159   (ornate pattern) / Souvenir woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (building) / Administration Building (excellent quality image)
gb2160 1009 (rope effect) / Souvenir woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (building) / Administration Building (excellent quality image)
gb2162   Souvenir woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (building) / Administration Building / (eagle and shield) (excellent quality image)
gb2170   Souvenir Woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (eagle and crossed flags) / Chicago Day / World's Fair Chicago Oct 9th 1893 (excellent quality image)
gb2180   Souvenir woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (portrait with blue flowers) / Christopher Columbus / In God We Trust (excellent quality image)
gb2200   Souvenir woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (portrait with blue flowers) / Christopher Columbus / (eagle & shield) (excellent quality image)
gb2205   Souvenir woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / General George Washington / (portrait) / First President of the United States 1789 (excellent quality image)
gb2210   Souvenir / woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (building) / Shakespear's House (excellent quality image)
gb2214   Souvenir / Woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (Liberty Bell) / The Bell (excellent quality image)
gb2219   Souvenir woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (eagle, two flags & branch) / The Star Spangled Banner / In God We Trust (excellent quality image)
gb2220    Souvenir woven in the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (eagle, two flags & branch) / The Star Spangled Banner / (eagle and shield) (excellent quality image)
gb2390   The Worlds Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (building) / Administration Building / (eagle and shield) (reasonable quality image)
gb2400   The Worlds Columbian Exposition 1893 Chicago - (portrait with blue flowers) / Christopher Columbus / Landing of Columbus Oct 12 1492 / (ship and sailors on beach) (excellent quality image)
gb2420   The Worlds Columbian Exposition 1893 Chicago - (eagle, two flags & branch) / Landing of Columbus Oct 12 1492 (good quality image)
gb2460   The Worlds Columbian Exposition 1893 Chicago - Landing of Columbus Oct 12 1492 / (ship and sailors on beach) (excellent quality image)
gb2480   The Worlds Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 - To Commemorate The Discovery Of America / Landing of Columbus Oct 12 1492 (excellent quality image)
gb2500   The Worlds Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (building) / The Administration Building (excellent quality image)
gb2504   The Worlds Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (building) / Administration Building / (eagle and flags) / Landing of Columbus Oct 12 1492 (excellent quality image)
gb2520   The Worlds Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 / (building) / Opened May 12
gb2530   Their Imperial Majesties / King Edward VII - Queen Alexandra / CROWNED AT / WESTMINSTER 1902 - possibly not Grant (excellent quality image)
gb2540   Their Majesties / George & Mary / Coronation June 1911 (excellent quality image)
gb2800   Warrington District AOF - Souvenir of the Queen's Sixty years reign (reasonable quality image)
gb2820   Warrington District Odd Fellows MU - Souvenir of the Queen's Sixty years reign (excellent quality image)
gb2830   Warrington District Order of Druids - Souvenir of the Queen's Sixty years reign (good quality image)
gb2880   W. Johnson Esq / Liberal candidate (excellent quality image)
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This page was created on 1 February 2000
This page was last updated on 13 February 2025

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