Apart from the various published books recorded in the Bibliography, there have been quite a few short articles published in magazines, newspapers or as stand alone pamphlets relating to " Stevengraph " silks, and those silks produced by many other weavers.
Below is listed a selection of these articles:
In July 1972, the Stevengraph Collectors Association published, with permission, a chapter from The Saturday Book, Number 30. This had been written by Michael Darby, a member of the SCA and one of the Curators of Textiles at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. This is reproduced here:
ON THE TENTH of February, 1860, Mr Gladstone anounced details of the Cobden Treaty in the House of Commons, one clause of which provided that the duty was to be taken off imported ribbons. This caused a general panic in Coventry, which had been the seat of the English ribbon industry for two centuries, and had for most of that time enjoyed protection from the better designed and manufactured continental productions. Within a few months thousands of weavers were put out of work . . . . . . {continue reading}