Full Cry
with W.G. (Grace) portrait
and The Death

Reference Number:- Sprake Number:- Godden Number:-
st 33   not recorded not recorded

Image of three silks, being st248-Full Cry, so312-WG (Grace portrait) and st116-The Death

Woven on silk:-

Printed at bottom of card-mount:-

cm deep by cm wide

cm high by cm wide

Neither Sprake nor Godden record this triple silk.
Very few of these triple silks have a reference to Stevens, and this is the case with the one above.
It is not clear whether these were made in the Stevens factory, or whether the individual loose silks were sold to others who mounted them themselves.
There can however be no doubt that all three silks are Stevens.

The three silks which comprise the triple are:

st248 - Full Cry
so312 - WG (Grace portrait)
st116 - The Death


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This page was created on 7 January 2018
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