The Loyal Address to H.M. King Edward VII, 1902

Designed by S. G. Poole

Reference Number:-  
opo 21  

same silk, except the date woven at the bottom
is 26th JUNE
Ribbon, known as The Loyal Address to H.M. King Edward VII, 1902
Official version with woven date
of 9th AUGUST
Ribbon, known as The Loyal Address to H.M. King Edward VII, 1902


woven on silk:

To The King's
Most Excellent
May it please Your MAJESTY.
We Your MAJESTY'S faithful
subjects, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens
of Coventry in Council assembled, beg to
approach Your MAJESTY with our
heartfelt and loyal congratulations on
Your MAJESTY'S Coronation.
We humbly pray
that Your MAJESTY'S reign,
so auspiciously begun, may long be
continued, and that Your MAJESTY
and Your MAJESTY'S Consort our
beloved QUEEN may be spared to
reign over these realms in peace and
prosperity for many years.
Given under our Corporate Seal
this 9th day of August 1902

{signature of Albert S Tomson}
printed on card matt:
 Duplicate Copy
 of the
 Loyal Address sent by the Corporation of Coventry,
 To His Majesty King Edward VII.
Size of Silk:

35.0cm long by 15.2cm wide

Alternative back-ground colours:
Godden does not record this silk.

The silk panel above was DESIGNED by S. G. POOLE, COVENTRY.
The actual WEAVING though was apparently conducted by the students of the Textile School, at the Technical Institute, Coventry, under the Supervision of Mr Walter Bednell.

The coronation of King Edward VII and his wife, Alexandra was scheduled for 26 June 1902, but was postponed at the last minute due to the kings illness. The re-scheduled coronation took place on 9 August 1902.
The Corporation of Coventry arranged for the silk above to be woven, originally with the June date, and then modified to include the August date. It was of course this later version that was actually sent to the King and Queen.

In 1935, Coventry Corporation sent another Loyal Address to King Edward VII, at that time on His 25th Anniversary on the throne. That silk panel was designed and woven by Thomas Stevens, although there is a great deal of similarity to the design above, as can be seen on the Stevens version - su 20 on this site

As a matter of passing interest, the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI), Manchester has a working jacquard loom originally installed at the Coventry Textile School for students to use. Who knows - maybe it was this loom which was used to weave this Loyal Address.


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This page was created on 14 September 2015
replaced with new, improved image 11 May 2019. Image with June date added 11 August 2021, and replaced with improved version 11 February 2025

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