The Loyal Address to H.M. King Edward VII, 1902

City of Coventry

Designed by S. G. Poole

Reference Number:-  
opo 20  

Ribbon, known as The Loyal Address to H.M. King Edward VII, 1902

Words woven on silk:

{ribbon with words}
City of Coventry

To The King's
Most Excellent
May it please Your MAJESTY.
We Your MAJESTY'S faithful
subjects, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens
of Coventry in Council assembled, beg to
approach Your MAJESTY with our
heartfelt and loyal congratulations on
Your MAJESTY'S Coronation.
We humbly pray
that Your MAJESTY'S reign,
so auspiciously begun, may long be
continued, and that Your MAJESTY
and Your MAJESTY'S Consort our
beloved QUEEN may be spared to
reign over these realms in peace and
prosperity for many years.
Given under our Corporate Seal
this 26th day of June 1902

Size of Silk:

31.0cm long by 15.0cm wide

Alternative back-ground colours:
There is a very similar silk panel recorded with the same Loyal Address title which is known to be the final version of this Address. That silk panel was DESIGNED by S. G. POOLE, COVENTRY, and it is believed the one above was also of his design.
The actual WEAVING though was apparently conducted by the students of the Textile School, at the Technical Institute, Coventry, under the Supervision of Mr Walter Bednell.

The record of this Address has images of both the Final Version, dated 9th August 1902, and an identical draft dated 26th June.

The image above would seem to be a prototype version insofar as the design and wording is the same as the 26th June draft version, with the addition of the ribbon at the very top containing the words CITY OF COVENTRY.


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