by Geoffrey Godden:
This is one of the London views first issued at the 1885 International Inventions Exhibition. It is found mounted singly, with a story-label, or in the multi-subject mount. These were originally sold at 6d for the single silk.
Other comments:
As mentioned by Godden, this singly mounted silk has a story label on the reverse:

story label on the reverse of the picture above.
This church, which is modelled from All Hallows, Staining, fairly represents
the type of structure in which our forefathers were wont to worship. Most of
these Churches were small, and the tower type was almost universal.
This silk picture also features as part of the various multi-silk pictures produced by GRANT. These include:
gt4: International Inventions Exhibition, London, 1885
(comprising 'Ye Church of All Hallows' and 'Ye Olde Bishopsgate' )
gt10: 'Ye Church of All Hallows' and 'Ye Olde Bishopsgate'
gt26: International Inventions Exhibition, London, 1885
(comprising London City Arms, 'Ye Church of All Hallows', Ye Olde London Streete', and 'Ye Olde Bishopsgate')
gt36: Ye Views of Olde London
(comprising London City Arms, 'Ye Church of All Hallows', Ye Olde London Streete', and 'Ye Olde Bishopsgate')
For some reason however, GRANT also produced a woven silk which is an exact mirror image of the one above; building on the right instead of the left; and this version recorded as gt799.
This version of woven silk is included in the following multi-silk pictures:
gt32: Views of Ye Olde London Streete
(comprising Edinburgh (sic) City Arms, 'Ye Church of All Hallows', Ye Olde London Streete', and 'Ye Olde Bishopsgate')
gt56: The Old London Album