
(man's & woman's hand; tassel above each flag & beyond each sleeve)

image of Malta and USA flags, with man's and woman's hands

This silk has been recorded with the Hands Across the Seas postcards having the following ship's names:-
Recorded by
John High
Name of Ship
sh844 *RMS Arabic
The flags of this silk are attributed as being those of Malta and the USA. Whilst the USA flag is clear, the flag identified as being of Malta has the colours reverse. The Malta flag is a white Maltese cross on a red ground.
Strictly speaking, the cross is more like an " hanseatic " cross than Maltese. The flag is very similar to " The Order of Saint Stephen " (Tuscany, Italy), and it has been noted that their flag has been mistaken for that of Malta.

Stevens also made Hands Across The Sea cards with a flag of a shipping line instead of the usual country flag, and it is possible the flag above is similarly that of a shipping company. It is noted for instance, that the house flag of " J. MORRISON & SON " was identical to this flag above; although it should also be noted that there is no known link between this company and the ship RMS Arabic.

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