
no rear fencing

Reference Number:- Sprake Number:- Godden Number:-
st 356 unrecorded 34b

Image of the famous racehorse Iroquois, with Fred Archer riding, but no rail in the background

Woven on silk:-

Printed at bottom of card-mount:-

19.0cm deep by 30.5cm wide

8.5cm high by 19.5cm wide

by Austin Sprake:

by Geoffrey Godden:
This fine silk shows the racehorse Iroquois in full stride, with Fred Archer up. This horse, owned by P. Lorillard, won the Derby in 1881 - information which is printed on the card-mount [see st352 on this site].

A major, and extremely rare, variation occurs without the normal fencing at the far side of the course - the image above. The position of the front feet and the shape of the tail also differ from st352.

Other comments:
Whilst the silk of the image above is original, and that of Stevens, the matt is not. It is actually a velvet material, with no evidence of a back label.

It will also be noted that the cap, sleeve hoops and saddle cloth all appear white. On close inspection of the actual silk however, it is evident these were originally a light blue, and have now faded.


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This page was created on 19 December 2003
black and white image replaced with colour image 6 September 2022

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