Silk Edged Boxed card

This my Christmas wish to thee

Reference Number:-

First printed card:
first perfumed card in this box
This my Christmas
wish to thee
Health, Love, Joy still with thee be

back printed card:
last perfumed card in this box
Merry Christmas
When Nature is silent and chill
When sunshine and brightness depart
When songsters seem always so still
And flowers no sweet fragrance impart
Home! place to all hearts the most dear
Is happy with glad Christmas cheer!

Printed card: (approximately) 10.0cm high by 14.0cm wide

This card as a whole comprises a woven silk cushion on which is fastened a small printed card, and to the back of the cushion, a much larger printed card. The cushion is attached to the box along the top edge with a silk thread. The box would normally have a lid on which is usually printed the Thomas Stevens logo.
The front card has no makers identification. The card attached to the back though has the printed " T.S. " initials which define it as being of Thomas Stevens manufacture, and the printed number 601.
At one time it was assumed the printed number on the card defined the card design. However, these numbers are repeated on multiple different designs, so the relevance of the number is hence unknown (unless perhaps it is a short hand for the artist/designer, rather than the design, for such as royalty payments).

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This page was created on 7 October 2023
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