I believe in God the Father

(with gothic arch at top)

Reference Number:- Darby Number:- Godden Number:-
sb 1016 185a 496

Bookmark with words
Bookmark with words
the image of this bookmark
was kindly donated by
Jenni Redman, Great Britain
Bookmark with words
Bookmark with words
the image of this bookmark
kindly donated by
Georg Hartong, The Netherlands

 in God the father
 Almighty, Maker of
 heaven and earth:
 And in Jesus Christ his
 only Son our Lord,
 Who was conceived by the
 Holy Ghost, Born of the
 Virgin Mary, Suffered
 under Pontius Pilate,
 Was crucified, dead,
 and buried. He descended
 into hell: The third day he
 rose again from the dead,
 He ascended into heaven,
 And sitteth on the right hand
 of God the Father Almighty
 from thence he shall come
 to judge the quick and the dead.

 in the Holy Ghost,
 The holy Catholick Church
 The Communion of Saints
 The Forgiveness of sins:
 The Resurrection of the body
 And the life everlasting.


Size of Silk:
26.4cm long by 4.5cm wide
Alternative back-ground colours:


Signed: "T. STEVENS MANFR. COVENTRY" on reverse on top turn-over.

Stevens name on the reverse top turnover of this bookmark
Stevens name on the reverse top turn over of this bookmark.
Note, this woven name is effectively upside down when viewed from the back.


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This page was created on 4 February 2007
new image added 29 October 2007. Blue and mauve background images added 30 January 2021. Purple background image added 13 August 2022. Mauve image replaced 22 May 2023

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