Fader vår

(Swedish version of the Lords Prayer)

Reference Number:- Darby Number:- Godden Number:-
sb 676 131 422

ribbon with ornate design at top, and Swedish words of The Lords Prayer
the image of this bookmark
kindly donated by
The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry


Language: Swedish - (circa 1917)

fader vår,
som är i himmelen!
helgadt varde ditt
namn; tillkomme ditt
rike: ske din vilje,
såsom i himmelen,
så ock på jorden:
vårt dagliga bröd
gis oss i dag: och
förlåt oss våra skul=
der, såsom ock vi
förlåte dem oss skyl=
dige äro: och inled
oss inte i frestelse:
utan fräls oss ifrån
ondo; ty riket är ditt
och makten och här=
ligheten, i evighet.


Size of Silk:
cm long by cm wide
Alternative back-ground colours:
It is not known how this bookmark is signed on the reverse, although as it is contained within the Stevens Family Album, presented to The Alfred Herbert Museum, there can be little doubt it is of T.STEVENS manufacture. The design however is the same as an English version of this bookmark, " sb1561 - OUR FATHER", and that is signed on the back pointed end.
Overall though, I have no idea why Stevens should have made a bookmark with Swedish writing, and based upon the design of that writing, during the First World War.

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This page was created on 25 January 2018
image replaced with improved version on 14 June 2024

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