With kind wishes

Blessed are they that mourn

(with upright capital " M ")

Reference Number:- Darby Number:- Godden Number:-
sb 2637 421 811

same bookmark, but with
black background silk
same bookmark with black background
the image of this bookmark
kindly donated by
Graham Parker, Great Britain
same bookmark, but with
pink background silk
same bookmark with pink background
bookmark with
blue background silk
same bookmark with blue background




image if large cross
and flowers






Be Comforted



Size of Silk:
25.5cm long by 5.5cm wide
Alternative back-ground colours:
White and blue
White and pink
Signed: "THOMAS STEVENS (COVENTRY) Ltd" on back at pointed end:

Stevens logo on the reverse pointed end of this bookmark
Stevens logo on the reverse pointed end of this bookmark

There are two version of this bookmark, with a very small difference. In the version above, the " M " of " MOURN " is upright, whilst in the other version, recorded as sb2636, the " M " is rounded.
The STEVENS credit on the reverse of the version above is the later " LTD " version of the post 1906 period, whilst the other sb2636 version is signed with " COVENTRY AND LONDON " of an earlier date. This other sb2636 version must hence pre-date the version above.

The image on the left above, with the black background coloured silk, was kindly donated by Graham Parker. Apart from the colour variation, this bookmark is important in the following regard:-
As noted above, the bookmark with the rounded " M " was made first, and the one with an upright " M " made at a later date. Graham's bookmark, whilst in design is the later version, the woven STEVENS name on the reverse is of the earlier " COVENTRY AND LONDON " credit.
Graham's bookmark is hence a transition from old to new, and unusual in providing evidence that Stevens occationally made minor changes during the life of the design.

Stevens logo on the reverse pointed end of this bookmark
Stevens logo on the reverse pointed end of the black background bookmark, being
"T. STEVENS COVENTRY AND LONDON ", instead of the later
"THOMAS STEVENS (COVENTRY) Ltd" normally associated with this design.


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This page was created on 10 February 2018
black background image added 31 July 2022 © Peter Daws - Stevengraph-Silks